Tag-Along Passenger

Leader: Joe (The Wanderer)
UHF: Channel 17
Departure Date: tba
Departure Time: tba – please be punctual
Pickup/Meeting Point: tba
Destination: tba

Clothes: Please be aware of local weather conditions and always prepare for wet weather. In winter, layered clothing is best, always have sturdy, comfortable and waterproof shoes as most trips involve walks on uneven and or wet ground. Cap or hat recommend (sun in summer, leeches in winter).

Food: Breakfast is usually purchased on the way (check with leader), other meals ad hoc as required. Pre packaged snacks are most convenient, especially high-energy bars.

Limited fridge space may be available for cold drinks (check with leader). Fruit-juice boxes or similar fit nicely.

An easy-to-carry water bottle is optional but recommended.

Cooking: Gas hotplate and single burner is available, campfire may be an option (check with leader).

Luggage: Small backpack or sports bag only.


4WD-ing: Most likely.
Photography: Always an option.
Hiking: Short or extended.
Geocaching: Always an opportunity to place a cache.
Gold Prospecting/Panning: Depending on season/water flow.
Orienteering: Bring maps, GPS as required.
Historical Tours: Check with leader.
Wildlife Spotting: Most likely.
Hunting: Depending on destination, may be permitted, check with leader.
Children: Whinging and whining not tolerated!