A simple little clip of two swans enjoying the cool autumn morning. It looks impressive, maybe an exotic location? The only skill required is waiting for the glorified ducks to paddle themselves into a place that allows me to frame the shot with just the right background and include the Continue Reading
Autumn Morning
After a cool night with no wind, just a little mist, I wake up to this autumn morning view. The spider webs abound, if it wasn’t for the sheer water droplets exposing them one would walk right by not noticing. It could be a spring morning instead of the last Continue Reading
Rubber Duckie
Taken at the Murray River near Swan Hill in June 2011, this picture is highly manipulated as you can see, or maybe not? It was a very dull day, no sky features and the river was a murky grey with no life. The only colours were grey and dark brown. The Continue Reading
These two fowl creatures came out of the scrub every morning at eight o’clock on the dot. They foraged for a bit then disappeared before the day got too warm. They made a second appearance when the sun was about to set. I called them Mr and Mrs Jones!
A view of the lake at Jerilderie, NSW taken with the iPhone 5 panorama feature. It’s a large picture, cropped a little off the sides to make it manageable. A close-up of the ducks, don’t ask how I got them to keep still!
Cows Reflecting
Took this with a medium zoom from the side of the road on the way back from Tallarook. No, things are not crook in Tallarook. I love capturing things reflecting in water but it’s usually a chance shot or waiting a long time for just the right composition and lighting.