It’s the last month of autumn in Melbourne’s water catchment, the summer dust no longer sucks the colour out of the vegetation and the reflections. The dampness in the air filters the light and the creeks and rivers start to flow again. The moss comes back to life and the Continue Reading
Secret Billabong
I had a tag-along buddy on this trip, the very fit and adventurous Karrin. The track down to the river was very steep, rocky and wet and I decided not to chance it in the vehicle so we hiked it. It was well worth the effort, lots of photograph opportunities Continue Reading
Easter Sunrise
It’s Easter Monday and the location is Easter Monday Track in Central Victoria, no kidding! I saw the track a few weeks earlier on a GPS map of the area and thought it would be great if I could explore it on the actual day it was named after. There Continue Reading
Vale Manny
Emanuel Debono: 1922 – 2014
The Hunter
It doesn’t get much better than this, a great spot to camp with the wide and wild open spaces around you, a creek to the left and rolling hills behind. The temperature is about 8 degrees cooler than the simmering city with a little breeze that keeps the flies away. “Now where’s Continue Reading
Country Church
This country church is in Korobeit, in beautiful Central Victoria. Obviously heavy with digital magic to give it an ethereal appearance.
Central Victoria
A short trip to Central Victoria on a cool January weekend. A brief detour to this wonderful waterfall. At Trentham, the Coliban River plunges 32 metres over a basalt cliff which has eroded over time to form a ravine several hundred metres long. The Dja Dja Wrung Aboriginal people of Continue Reading
Melbourne’s Southbank and the Yarra River looking west, standing on the North bank. A very popular area with lots of restaurants, hotels and of course the casino within walking distance. Taken with a Nikon DS7000 and heavily manipulated to achieve this effect.